Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
Easy Collaboration for All
Reflection: Random thoughts the author has inspired…

The author has once again amazed me! In my mind’s eye, no way did I ever make the connection with wiki and Wikipedia! Realistically, I can’t be too hard on myself; since, I really haven’t grasped a clear understanding of whom, where, why, how, or what is a wiki. At the end of the day, the author hasn’t convinced me about the value of Wikipedia for my students’ exploration.  I can’t fathom the concept of allowing children to research information from Wikipedia only to be guided with inaccurate information. I realize that according to the author Will Richardson, “University of Buffalo professor Alex Halavais tested this by creating 13 errors on various posts on Wikipedia, all of which were fixed within a couple of hours (Halavais, 2004). P.56” I too find this information to be amazing, however it is extremely difficult to convince a sixth grader that the information could be inaccurate at best!
While further reading, I do agree that wikis do in fact belong in schools for two major reasons. In the first area, and most importantly, is that the students can participate with a secure password and login system. Secondly, the collaborative environment that wikis facilitate in the area that I am most interested in is Book-Talks. I plan on utilizing the wikis for my classroom with the novel Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls, I for one can’t wait to start conversing with my students and creating an enthusiastic community of readers in Foxborough. Hopeful, this community of readers will bring to the table a different perspective of this beloved novel.
In closing, one can feel the author’s passion for the usage of wikis within the classroom when he states: “I’m serious when I say that I get chills sometimes when I think about the amazing work that’s being done at Wikipedia. In many ways, it gives me hope for the future because it is a testament, I think, of good people doing good. Using wikis, we can start to show our students what it means to be a part of that process.
And if the wiki bug does bite you at it has me, this might come in handy:
                Please grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
                The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference
                                                                                                -The Wiki Prayer
                                                                                                (” p.69
Now, that quote exemplifies passion!
Signing off till next time…

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