Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 9

Chapter 9
 Social Networks
Facebook, Ning, Connections, and Communities
Reflections: Random thoughts the author has inspired…
I agree that the students of today are in fact reaching out using this technology for expanding their friendships and tapping into interest based learning in a way that humans have never experienced before. I also agree with the author that as our world changes, we as a community of learner must make adjustment too. Hence these adjustments will create an environment that will be conducive to the very students, we face on a daily bases.  As our teaching environment changes it becomes apparent that quoted from the author: “In the process, we can teach students all sorts of important lessons about digital citizenship, safety, information literacy, and more.”p.133.
Personally being a teacher I am extremely paranoid about putting information on Facebook. As the author stated:  “I have mentioned, haven’t I, that nothing. I repeat, nothing is guaranteed to be private on the Web.” p. 136. As we already established that some of our students may be very savvy with technology and could possible hack into our Facebook accounts and who knows what they may put on it. For me right now I will pass and I’m sure in the future I will explore the wonderful world of Facebooking in my personal life. For me, I believe that I can reach my students with blogs, wikis, and podcasting. I don’t feel comfortable nor do I really believe that our school district will ever lift the filter for MySpace or Facebook. Since we have many alternatives I’m not willing to take on that battle.
Signing off till next time…


  1. It has been proven time and time again, nothing in safe on the net, there in no privacy. I'm not sure that our students really understand how important this reality is. We know that they are on socia networks, but I don't agree with Richardson that it should be used in the classroomm. As you said Cathy we have blogs, wikis and podcasting. I also am not comfortable using Facebook in school.

  2. I agree that the world of socializing is changing for are students. What it means to be friends is beginning to take on a life of it's own. I wasn't afraid of facebook until I attended a meeting and heard that a teacher was fired for posting something negative about the town she worked in on her facebook page. Not that I would do that but it makes you afraid whose watching what when on facebook. It's making me a little paranoid.
