Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Weblogs Get Started!
Reflection:  Random thoughts the author has inspired…
I have been extremely frustrated with this book by trying to sell me on the importance of Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts. I have finally realized that I am a true, “North”, “Just Do IT”, already… Well, finally we made it Weblogs Get Started! I want to get started and use them but I foresee a few stumbling blocks along the way…. Having students create their own blogs might not work for the age group that I am working with at this time. However, I may be able to create a classroom blog, with close supervision that will work out fine for my purposes.
The author suggested the reader to check out
 If you haven’t yet perused this site is a must, you won’t be disappointed. From this site I found this fascinating blog site, that a teacher created, really cool hence her name “Cool Cat Teacher”:
Check it out you won’t be disappointed and I really understand the steps!
Finally, the Edublogs Award site: Extremely impressive and if you like FREE stuff for educators this is the essential stop for all your academic needs…
Signing off till next time…

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