Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 5

Chapter 5
RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
The New Killer APP for Educators
Reflection: Random thoughts the author has inspired…
While reflecting on Chapter 5, it is difficult to wrap my mind around RSS, how does this technology work? I understand the mechanics about a behind the scene coded language and then the feed system but, can we assume that our computers are making choice for us? My thought process is more in the area of my personal opinions and how I make decisions in the area of politics. For example, if one was to think in terms politically of liberalism and that person always received information from the media on that venue, then how does that individual ever receive the other side’s perspective? Don’t you think we should have both sides of the story? Don’t you think, that students should be taught how to deal with different points of view? Now, that you are pondering these critical questions, I loved to hear from you!
 I fully understand that RSS would be a huge advantage in the area of curriculum. The feed would allow me to receive essential information in the subjects I teach and at the specific grade level. Another advantage that the author so eloquently states: “And the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) knows this too. One if their new “Twenty-First Century Literacies” is that “twenty-first century readers and writers  need to manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information” (NCTE, 2008). RSS is a perfect job for this. And, as with the rest of these changes it’s our job to model and teach these skills.” p. 73
In other words, where are the lap top computers for all my students? Where are the wireless connections so that we can all analyze, and synthesis the multiple streams of information?  Do we have to engage in battle, to fight the bureaucracy in order to utilize these technological tools? Just think of all the possibilities and experiences that our students will be exposed to while embarking on the RSS flexible, powerful tool for gathering information. I plan to have my students to utilize this system with their current event project. I’m on board, are you?
Signing off till next time…

1 comment:

  1. I love your thinking in the end of this post. Yes I believe to any movement we will meet resistance. This drives me crazy but I'm trying to accept that sometimes my mind way faster than what happens in public schools.
